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Blended Family Quotes

85 Heartwarming Blended Family Quotes to Inspire Your Family Mural

Blended family quotes set the tone for love, connection and inclusivity. When getting a blended family mural, painting or piece of art, it would be nice to get one that captures the essence and beauty of coming together and forging meaningful connections. Whether blending a family through marriage, adoption or fostering, the journey can be… Read More

single mother

21 Life Lessons From my Single Mother’s Perspective

Having been raised by a single mother, I have had the privilege of experiencing firsthand the true meaning of resilience, undeniable strength and boundless love. Single parents are on a journey full of loneliness, sacrifice for their children and external attacks we cannot comprehend, for life outcomes that are beyond them. And truthfully,  I never… Read More

conscious discipline

15 Conscious Discipline Techniques Every Parent Should Know

“Conscious Discipline reminds us that the greatest gift we can give our children is not perfection but the ability to navigate imperfections with strength and compassion”. (General saying) A Lot has been said on child development, we have styles and approaches and still, parenting is one journey where none of us will ever truly have… Read More

toxic parent

17 Signs you Could be a Toxic Parent

“Toxic parent” is a term highly shunned by society as children have been raised to believe that parents are never wrong which leaves an undefined line between disciplining and toxic parenting.  Though parenthood is an amazing journey, as we all learn in the process and hope we are doing our best, it’s natural to experience… Read More

Christmas gifts for your children

25 Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Children

Hello…Christmas, Dear parent, you are probably more concerned about the finances or the Christmas preparations that are coming up, but for your young ones, the season’s gifts and joys are all they look forward to.  Maybe you are one of the last-minute shoppers or you’re just not sure what to get your children. Then this… Read More

Youtube kids

YouTube Kids: 31 Amazing YouTube Shows Favorable for Kids

YouTube Kids has definitely become a treasure for children’s entertainment. As the digital world keeps evolving and coupled with the 2020-2021 lockdown period where kids had to learn online.  As parents, we can all agree that YouTube and its kids’ version YouTube Kids have been very helpful in providing a wide array of educational and… Read More

parenting quotes

50 Parenting Quotes That Capture the Essence of Parenthood

I’ve been a parent for a minute now and Oh My God!.  There is so much that is left  unsaid on parenthood.  Being a parent is the most joyous, fulfilling yet adventurous journey there can ever be in life.  There is so much to learn and unlearn. In the whirlwind of this amazing journey and… Read More