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85 Heartwarming Blended Family Quotes to Inspire Your Family Mural

Blended Family Quotes

Blended family quotes set the tone for love, connection and inclusivity.

When getting a blended family mural, painting or piece of art, it would be nice to get one that captures the essence and beauty of coming together and forging meaningful connections.

Whether blending a family through marriage, adoption or fostering, the journey can be filled with alot of uncertainties and unique challenges to embracing each other’s differences and forming deep connections.

In this blog post we intend to capture the complexities of love and family beyond blood and biology with these amazing blended family quotes.

They’ll provide inspirational insights, perspectives and heartfelt encouragement on your journey as a blended family.

Defining a Blended Family

According to San Diego miltary family corraborative, blended families are on the rise and currently at 40% of marriages.

Let’s define a blended family as a unique family structure where two individuals who had children from previous relationships choose to create a new family unit.

In other instances it can include the inclusion of children from adoption or foster care into a family unit.

Blended families create a complex network of relationships with the inclusion of biological and step relations.

This family unity will require a lot of understanding and patience since in the midst of the love and joy there still sets the challenges of fusing parenting styles and adjusting to new family dynamics.

Regardless, family is who stands with you through the various seasons of life and blended families also have the chance to cultivate these bonds and transcend the various traditional family structures to create a lifelong happy family founded on love.

Here’s the 100 blended family quotes that can be used in family murals to ignite that sense of love, joy, gratitude and connection:

  1. “Families are like poems; each member contributes a verse, but together they create a beautiful story.” – Jeanne Laboy

  2. “Families are like rivers; we may have different sources, but we all flow into the same ocean of love.” – Patricia Nell

  3. “Families are like constellations; each member shines bright, but together they light up the sky.” – Sheila Eismann

  4. “Family means putting your arms around each other and being there.” — Barbara Bush

  5. “Family isn’t defined only by last names or by blood; it’s defined by commitment and by love.” — Dave Willis

  6. “A family is a circle of love, not broken by a loss, but made stronger by the memories.” — Unknown

  7. “Family is not about blood. It’s about who is willing to hold your hand when you need it the most.” — Unknown

  8. “A family is a little world created by love.” — Unknown

  9. “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” — Richard Bach

  10. “Family: Where life begins and love never ends.” — Unknown

  11. “Family is the compass that guides us. It’s the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.” — Brad Henry

  12. “Family is not defined by our genes, it is built and maintained through love.” — Amalia Giebitz

  13. love knows no boundaries and family knows no limits.” – Unknown

  14. “The beauty of a  family lies in its diversity, resilience, and capacity to love unconditionally.” – Unknown

  15. love isn’t about being the same; it’s about celebrating our differences and growing together.” – Cindy Harpster

  16. “Being blood-related; it’s about being heart-connected.” – Unknown

  17. “A blended family is like a story; each chapter is different, but together they create a beautiful narrative.” – Unknown

  18. “A blended family is like a rainbow; it brings colour and beauty into our lives after the storm.” – Elmer Laydon

  19. “Each chapter is different, but together they create a beautiful narrative.” – Unknown

  20. “Sometimes it takes a few tries to get the ingredients just right, but when you do, it’s a masterpiece.” – Unknown

  21. “Love is the glue that holds us together, even when life tries to pull us apart.” – Unknown

  22. “Family is a tapestry of love, woven together with threads of trust, patience, and understanding.” – Unknown

  23. “Sometimes it takes a while for all the pieces to fit together, but when they do, it creates a beautiful picture.” – Unknown

  24. “A family doesn’t need to be perfect; it just needs to be united.” — Unknown

  25. “Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.” — Anthony Brandt

  26. “Family is like music, some high notes, some low notes, but always a beautiful song.” — Unknown

  27. “A happy family is but an earlier heaven.” — George Bernard Shaw

  28. “The love of family is much more important than wealth and privilege.” — Charles Kuralt

  29. “Family is where life begins and love never ends.” — Unknown

  30. “Family is not defined by our genes; it is built and maintained through love.” – Unknown

  31. “Blood makes you related, but loyalty makes you family.” – Unknown

  32. “Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are.” – Unknown

  33. “Family: a circle of strength, founded on faith, joined in love, kept by God.” – Unknown

  34. “In this family, love is the tie that binds us together, transcending bloodlines and differences.” – Unknown

  35. “Family is the heart of a home, where love resides, memories are created, and laughter never ends.” – Unknown

  36. “In our family, we may not have it all together, but together, we have it all.” – Unknown

  37. “Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” – David Ogden Stiers

  38. “Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” – Michael J. Fox

  39. “Our family is a circle of strength and love, with every birth and every union, the circle grows.” – Unknown

  40. “Family: the ones you live with, laugh with, and love.” – Unknown

  41. “A family doesn’t need to be perfect; it just needs to be united.” – Unknown

  42. “Family: a little bit crazy, a little bit loud, and a whole lot of love.” – Unknown

  43. “Family: where love knows no boundaries, and acceptance is unconditional.” – Unknown

  44. “Family: where you are loved, supported, and cherished for who you are.” – Unknown

  45. “Family isn’t about sharing the same DNA; it’s about sharing love, support, and understanding.” – Unknown

  46. “Family is the anchor that holds us during the storms of life.” – Unknown

  47. “Family: where we may not have it all together, but together we have it all.” – Unknown

  48. “Family is where we find comfort, love, and a sense of belonging.” – Unknown

  49. “Family is not just an important thing; it’s everything.” – Unknown

  50. “Family is the heart of every home, where love resides and memories are created.” – Unknown

  51. “Family: the ones who lift you up when you are down, celebrate with you when you succeed, and stand by you through it all.” – Unknown

  52. “Family is the foundation upon which we build our lives, the rock upon which we stand, and the love that sustains us.” – Unknown

  53. “In a family, love is not a duty; it’s a privilege we cherish every day.” – Unknown

  54. “In our family, love is the common language that transcends all barriers and unites us as one.” – Unknown

  55. “Family is where we find love, laughter, and a sense of belonging.” – Unknown

  56. “Family isn’t just about blood ties; it’s about the bonds we create and the love we share.” – Unknown

  57. “Family: the ones who make you laugh a little louder, smile a little brighter, and live a little better.” – Unknown

  58. “Family is where you find warmth in times of cold, joy in times of sorrow, and love in times of need.” – Unknown

  59. “Family is where you find warmth in times of cold, joy in times of sorrow, and love in times of need.” – Unknown

  60. “Family is where you are loved for your uniqueness.” – Unknown

  61. “In our family, love is not a feeling; it’s a commitment we make to each other every day.” – Unknown

  62. “In our family, love is the thread that binds us together, creating a tapestry of memories.” – Unknown

  63. “Family is where you find warmth in times of cold, joy in times of sorrow, and love in times of need.” – Unknown

  64. “In our blended family, love is not a duty; it’s a privilege we cherish every day.” – Unknown

  65. “Family is where you are valued, appreciated, and loved unconditionally.” – Unknown

  66. “Family: the ones who make you laugh a little louder, smile a little brighter, and live a little better.” – Unknown

  67. “In a family, love is not something we possess; it’s something we give freely and receive abundantly.” – Unknown

  68. “Family is where you are loved unconditionally.” – Unknown

  69. “Family is where you are surrounded by love” – Unknown

  70. “Family is where you are comforted by compassion” – Unknown

  71. “Family: the ones who know you the best but love you the most.” – Unknown

  72. “In our family, love is the language we speak, the bond we share, and the legacy we leave behind.” – Unknown

  73. “Family is where you find love in its purest form” – Unknown

  74. “Family is where you get forgiveness in its truest sense, and acceptance without judgment.” – Unknown

  75. “In our family, love is not a transactional it is free

  76. “Family: the ones who know your flaws but love you anyway.” – Unknown

  77. “Family: where love is the silent language that speaks volumes.” – Unknown

  78. “Find your tribe, love them hard.”

  79. “Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” – Lilo & Stitch

  80. “Our family is a circle of strength and love.”

  81. “Together is our favourite place to be.”

  82. “Home is where our story begins.”

  83. “In this house, we do real, we make mistakes, we do I’m sorry, we do second chances, we do fun, we do forgiveness, we do hugs, we do family.”

  84. The love of Jesus lives here with us

  85.  God is the glue that binds our family

Related: 50 Parenting Quotes That Capture the Essence of Parenthood

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