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80 Spontaneous Ways to Show Love Your Partner

Spontaneous ways to show love

What keeps a union beyond the seasons of time? 

How does the spark keep burning irrespective of age?

Love is a connection we all desire to find and keep. 

As we intentionally  celebrate anniversaries and the grand gestures that our friends can drool over, we can not overlook the small actions.

Afterall,  the longevity of love is based on the everyday moments that keep your partner feeling loved and cherished.

In this blog post we are going to highlight 80 heartwarming, thoughtful and spontaneous ways to show your partner how much they mean to you.

Whether you are in the blissful honeymoon stage or have been together for years, these spontaneous acts are meant to strengthen your bond and keep the spark alive.

Since love is unique to each couple, we’ll provide a wide range of simple, sweet, creative and thoughtful spontaneous ways to show love, you can pick whichever would work best for your relationship.

1. Cook for them: Get fresh ingredients and cook their favorite meal as they keep you company, that way you get to catch up and still be romantic.

2. Love notes: Leave them a love note based on their mood, which could be “I love you”” am proud of you” or” You mean the world to me”.

3. Back massage: Offer them a back massage after a long day at work.

4. Listen: Give them room to express their emotions and feelings, by just listening.

5. Breakfast: Randomly present them with breakfast in bed.

6. Pick them from work: Offer to pick them up from work and take a stroll together.

7. Weekend getaway: clear your weekend and go for an intimate weekend getaway.

8. Mail: Write a letter and mail it to them.

9. Album: create an album with all your memories.

10. Hugs: give them tight hugs when they least expect it.

11. Thought Texts: Text them affirmation words at random times of their day, especially when you feel the urge to express your love.

12. Do a chore: Help them take care of a chore they prefer the least.

13. Snack: surprise them with their favorite snack.

14. Movie: Watch their favorite movie, even if it’s not your top choice.

15. Picnic: Plan a picnic in the park and park their favorite foods and drinks.

16. Gift: give them a small, thoughtful gift for no reason, you can send it to their office.

17. Public display of affection: Hold their hand while taking a walk.

18. Dinner: Order out and have a cozy, candlelit dinner at home.

19. Road trip: Plan a spontaneous road trip to a place they’d enjoy the most.

20. Kiss: Randomly give them a passionate kiss.

21. Playlist: Create a playlist of songs that remind you of them.

22. Visit: Organise a surprise visit to their workplace, take a snack or flowers.

23. Hobby: hook them up with an activity they’d love.

24. Outdoor activity: Plan a surprise adventure or outdoor activity.

25. Lunchbox: Make them a lunchbox for work including a love note.

26. List: Write them a list of things you adore about them.

27. Scavenger hunt: hide a gift and make a trail through love notes for them to find.

28. Talk to them: Share your dreams and aspirations with them.

29. Game night: Plan a fun game night, you can invite mutual friends as well.

30. Errands: Offer to run their errands or do grocery shopping for them.

31. Dessert: Bake their favorite cake/ dessert.

32. Foot massage: Offer to pay for a professional foot massage after a tiring week.

33. Sunsets: Watch the sunset or sunrise together.

34. Barbeque: Plan a surprise barbeque in the backyard.

35. Scrapbook: Create a scrapbook of your relationship journey.

36. Share: Tell them a secret or a personal story you’ve never told them, it builds up a connection.

37. Narrate: Write a poem or a song about your love for them.

38. Flowers: Get them a small, handpicked bouquet of flowers.

39. Responsibilities: Offer to take care of household responsibilities.

40. Bath: Take a warm bubble bath together.

41. Karaoke: Organise a spontaneous karaoke night and sing a song together.

42. Game: Play their favorite board game or card game and create catchy gifts for the winner.

43. Show appreciation: Express gratitude for the little things they do.

44. DIY Together: Offer to do a home improvement project together.

45. Vision board: Make a vision board for your shared future.

46. Dinner Date: Plan a surprise, candlelit indoor picnic.

47. Dance: Share a romantic dance in the living room or go on a dancing date out, you can try a romantic dance such as salsa.

48. Framed Photo: Surprise them with a framed photo of a cherished moment.

49. Fort: make and share a homemade, cozy fortnight.

50. Book: Surprise them with a favorite book or author’s new release.

51. Digital cleanse: Plan a tech-free evening together.

52. Tasks: Offer to take over their daily tasks for a day.

53. Coupon: Surprise them with a handwritten love coupon.

54. Volunteer: Share a day of volunteering together.

55. New hobbies: Share a day of trying a new hobby or activity together.

56. Exploration: Plan a surprise day of exploring your city or town, visit your favorite spots, and eat your favorite street foods.

57. Teach: Offer to teach them something you’re skilled at.

58. Art day: Share a day of visiting museums or art galleries.

59. Help: Offer to help them with a project they’ve been working on.

60. Festival: Share a day of attending a local festival or fair.

61. Exercise: Offer to assist with their workout or exercise routine.

62. Band night: go out and listen to a band together.

63. Pray together: randomly offer to pray for them if you’re a faith-based couple, you’ll understand.

64. Bike ride: Share a day of taking a scenic bike ride.

65. Look after them: take care of your partner when they are unwell.

66. Special Occasion: Be intentional about celebrating special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.

67. Be Patient: Be patient with your partner, if they are late sit and wait patiently.

68. Show Concern: Randomly call and just let your partner know you are thinking of them.

69. Motivate them: Constantly motivate your partner to pursue their dreams and goals.

70. Show Interest: Do you know what your partner does for a living, the minute details, show concerns about their daily lives, ask and listen.

71. Bring something home after a trip: If you go out of town bring back something that shows you thought about them.

72. Thoughtful introduction: If you’re introducing your partner to new friends or simply talking about them, be sweet and kind it goes a long way.

73. Day off: Give them a day off and let them have some “me” time.

74. Bath together: Randomly invite them to take a shower with you.

75. Contact during a drive: As you drive together, reach out and hold their hand.

76. Calm them down: During an argument, just hold them or kiss them, it calms the argument.

77. Share posts: Send them social media posts that resonate with the two of you.

78. Love language: Be intentional about talking about your love language.

79. Appreciate: Randomly air out your appreciation for everything they do.

80. Reassurance: Remind them how much they mean to you and talk about your future together

Love is beautiful, it should be celebrated, nurtured, and expressed as often as possible because this life is short.

We hope that as you incorporate these spontaneous ways to show love into your love life, you will become more fulfilled and you’re able to make your connection as a couple deeper.

Nonetheless, may you understand that love is never about what you receive in return, we give regardless.

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