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7 Unmistakable Signs You’re Falling in Love, According to Your Emotions and Feelings.


Have you ever met someone who had your heart racing and your mood so mellow at just the thought of them?

Yes, you my friend may have been on the verge of falling in love.

Did you know, that, according to research by Harvard University when one is in love, a hormone known as dopamine is released which translates to that euphoric, mellow feeling?

Love and Emotions

Generally, being in love alters the brain function similar to addiction. That’s right at some point love will have you acting and reacting beyond your emotional and mental normalcy

Well.., in this post I’d like to explore the world of love and help you recognize some subtle signs of falling in love. It’s my hope that by the end you can share your own experiences of falling in love.

The interesting thing about love is.., you will never see it coming, you are never going to be prepared to give or receive love. It is a unique journey tailored differently for each one of us despite the emotional similarities.

One day you are interacting with a random stranger and a few days later you are excited and you’re looking forward to interacting with them more.

If you are wondering if your feelings are involved,
Here are those 7 signs that show you are probably falling in love.

1. You are always thinking and talking about them.

Do you find yourself thinking about them constantly, the way they talk or smile?

You constantly find yourself daydreaming about them, as you create future scenarios and oddly enough you seem to notice things that would look good on them.

You probably know so much about them sometimes even over a short period of time. Maybe your friends have mentioned that you keep mentioning his name a lot lately. 

Everything seems to connect to them you probably cannot help recollecting the times you guys have spent together. That’s definitely a sign you are falling in love.

2. You are genuinely happy around them

You probably find yourself beaming with excitement coupled with some nervousness at their presence.

You take everything they say with a hint of positivity even the most common of things, a mere human comment feels like a show of concern.

Their dad jokes are suddenly so humorous and you are trying so hard to be your perfect self in their presence, at this point, it could be love.

3. They have become a priority.

Are willing to go out of your way for them?

Is their well-being naturally a priority for you?

You will find yourself wanting to make them comfortable and happy. Anything that negatively affects them becomes an issue for you.

If this is how you feel love could be blossoming.

However, be very careful, lest you make their burdens your own or trade your goals for their comfort.

4. You always want them around

When love is blossoming quality time becomes a priority, you crave their presence, even when it includes doing mundane activities such as chores or errands.

You are genuinely enjoying each other’s company and are getting to create an emotional connection.

They provide a sense of security, you will probably sleep better when they are around. There’s pride in just walking while holding their hand.

Their absence even over short periods of time will give you a longing for their company.

5. Their shortcomings are not an issue

Signs you are falling in love

Do you find yourself shrugging off every negative attribute as unimportant?

Have you been using phrases like ‘his sweat is manly’ (sweat is not supposed to sound that good) or his voice is “kinda” commanding?

Love can be blinding, you want the euphoric high to prolong for so long, but be careful not to disregard red flags and brand them some more acceptable terms.

6. You are not interested in other people

They are your version of perfection and outside of them, none can equal. If you are at a point where your mind weighs every other suitor per their scale.

It feels like their personality even the smallest of things like how they eat outweighs everyone else it is time to be true to yourself, as you are in love.

At this point, an emotional reaction has been cultivated, and you’ll consequently feel a sense of loyalty and protectiveness towards them.

7. You see a future with them

The moment love hits you, you will find yourself making long-term plans and goals around this person.

For instance, you are planning events and trips and even enthusiastically introducing them to your family and friends.

At this point, you are probably enjoying having discussions about the future and what’s more, it gives you a sense of probability at the idea of a lasting relationship.


Love is a beautiful journey and if you can relate to any of these signs, the journey may just be beginning for you.

It will not always be roses and sparks, it will need a lot of transparent communication.

Nevertheless, love will always be worth the effort.

So watch out for these signs, listen to your gut feeling, and enjoy the amazing journey.

9 thoughts on “7 Unmistakable Signs You’re Falling in Love, According to Your Emotions and Feelings.”

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