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What does a successful life mean? 5 Facts That Re-Define Success


So you just turned a year older today, a few moons ago you thought that by this age you would be successful in owning a few assets, traveling the world, and living in marital bliss with a few springs running around.

Now that this is not the case, you feel underachieved and even to some point you feel like you’ve failed. So what is the true measure of success?

Now buckle up let me state some facts for you.

1. There isn’t a flat-line measure for success.

Success translates differently for different people, everybody is winning differently. The seasons of life and the desires of the heart vary.

Many are suffering in toxic work environments, in bad marriages, and depressed in mansions because they were chasing praise and acceptance but in acquiring material wealth they forgot personal fulfillment.

The goal is to be happy, whether people are looking or not. Define your version of success and chase it

2. Learn to be content.


Count your blessings, give thanks, and endeavor to be in a better position next year.

There is always someone who wishes they had what you have.

If you do not learn to appreciate who you are and what you have life will find a way to take it back because life is a combination of small achievements, celebrate each one.

3. Comparison is a thief of joy

Stay on your own timeline. Dwelling on other people’s achievements will have you questioning your own capabilities and sidetracking you.

Stay focused on the goal and block out the noise. You can also define your achievable goals and work on them.

Life is not a competition. You only live once, and it is not about being ahead, it is about enjoying the journey as you get there.

4. Be open-minded enough to dream big and interact with new people.


You can only go as far as your mind thinks is achievable.

I remember the first time I visited a well-off friend I was in awe, I sincerely never thought there was that big of a disparity between my life and how well people lived.

It was at that moment, that I knew I wanted more. Over time I have learned to be happy but still work on one goal at a time.

5. Effort greases the wheels for take-off


There is a reward in action.

Work on it even when it seems like there is no change, even when it feels tiring, besides, miracles happen every day today might just be the day it pays off.

Change will not find you at home depressed. It has to find you on your feet and ready to win.


Winning or losing is only defined by the rules of the game.

Set your own rules because self-motivation is the only legitimate driving force.

Are you doing your best or can you do more, then do it? You will be just fine.


2 thoughts on “What does a successful life mean? 5 Facts That Re-Define Success”

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