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 15 Private yet Thoughtful Sneaky Link Date Ideas 

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“A Love Unseen is a Love Unspoiled”

(General Saying)

Sarah and Alex had been work colleagues for a while, and as time went by they developed a close friendship.

They often found comfort and solace in each other’s company, sharing personal stories and providing mutual support. 

However, both Sarah and Alex were aware of the complexities that can arise from workplace relationships. 

Wanting to avoid unnecessary gossip or potential complications, they decide to keep the nature of their connection private. 

As a way to maintain a normal relationship, they found sneaky ways to be together without everyone else finding out.

What does sneaky link mean?

 In light of modern relations the term “ Sneaky link” is quite common about playful yet mysterious connections often under the radar. 

A sneaky link is simply someone you share a private and discreet relationship often hidden from the prying eye of the public.

Different scenarios lead to sneaky linking including people transitioning from one relationship to another, friends dating friends, etc.

Though this relationship captures the spirit of connection outside conventional boundaries, all the sneaking and hiding can be tiring, and hard to find time together.

It is therefore important to create private moments that define the relationship.

In this post, we will highlight 15 private, romantic, and thoughtful date ideas that offer a unique blend of secrecy and intimacy.

1. Secret Garden Dinner

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We start off the sneaky link date ideas list with a romantic garden candle-lit dinner which is one of the most private experiences any couple can have together.

In your private outdoor space create a makeshift dinner space with fairy lights and candles, a table and pillows, or seats to sit on per your budget. 

Cook a special dinner and enjoy a romantic meal together under the stars.

This kind of date is magical slowly unfolding in the comfort of your privacy with the night breeze hitting you and meaningful conversation taking precedence.

Related: 7 Unmistakable Signs You’re Falling in Love, According to Your Emotions and Feelings.

2. DIY Spa Night

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Wouldn’t it be such a romantic event to turn your night into a pampering session? 

You can plan on turning your home into a spa retreat. 

Set up a relaxing session whereby you offer each other acts of service such as giving each other massage sessions.

Have a relaxing bath, and lay back at night with homemade face masks and an amazing face care routine.

 If the budget allows it, take it a notch higher by inviting an in-house masseuse and just chill and enjoy a shared pampering experience.

3. A Late Night Driving Retreat

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How romantic would it be to go on a quiet drive with someone you like? 

These sneaky link date ideas would be incomplete without some night activity and a late night drive is just perfect for privacy.

You get to enjoy the night, slow music in the background as you share in an intimate conversation as the streaks of street lights penetrate your car.

Then drive to a secluded spot away from city lights and spend the night stargazing.

Bring blankets, and hot beverages, and enjoy the quiet beauty of the night sky.

4. Join a Group Event

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It wouldn’t be so obvious if two people who know each other happened to meet at a group event, now would it?

How about you pick a group activity and show up differently and casually bump into each other at the location *wink*?

Now since you happen to know each other, take part in the event as a team to enjoy a mysterious encounter.

Try to find events and groups where it’s unlikely to find people you know.

5. Hidden Art Gallery

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An art date is quite posh, intimate, and very intriguing.

Explore a not-so-known art gallery or exhibition. 

Share your thoughts on the various art pieces

Play an interesting game where you get each other an art piece that best aligns with your personality.

6. Cooking Class for Two

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What could be more romantic than a shared interest or hobby?

You can choose to take up an out-of-town cooking or baking class and make it private.

Learn to prepare a new dish or a new variety of cake.

Later sit back and enjoy the delicious results.

7. Private Garden Movie Night

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Turn your space into a movie station, Set up a projector in your backyard or rooftop. 

Set up a romantic area with blankets and pillows and enjoy the outdoor movie.

Or better yet show up to a movie theatre, show up differently, and sit together at the back of the theatre and just enjoy a movie night out together.

8. Hidden Forest Hike

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Choose an out-of-town nature trial or forest reserve and embark on a private hike.

Choose to go on a day when there are fewer people, maybe a weekday when you are both off.

Pack a picnic bag and enjoy a meal together in the tranquillity of nature and the presence of great company.

9. Wine Tasting Experience

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Wine tasting is such an underrated romantic experience. 

There is always a very very low chance of bumping into someone you know at a wine tasting event.

If this sounds too public. 

Create cocktails in the vicinity of your home and blindfold each other as you playfully guess the flavors.

10. Homemade Pizza Night

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Cooking together is always a vibe, especially when it’s something you both enjoy doing.

It’s more fulfilling when you hold conversations and incorporate soft music

Download pizza recipes and make personalized pizzas with preferential toppings.

Then create a fine dining atmosphere and enjoy to your heart full

11. Private Poetry Reading

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The thing about a sneaky link is, in all the hiding you never quite understand the position you hold in your partner’s life.

This date idea is your perfect opportunity to express how you feel.

You can enjoy a night out at a poetry event.

When you get home write poetry for each other as a form of expression.

12. Hidden B&B Getaway

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How about a total getaway from all that you are hiding from?

An Airbnb is a great opportunity to share time out as a couple.

Plan a getaway to a hidden B&B, enjoy a night out and a romantic breakfast in bed.

13. Take Part in a DIY Art Class

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If you are in a stage of the relationship where you are still getting to know each other, having shared activities is fun and an opportunity to spend time together and learn more about each other.

You can then opt to create an art DIY in your home.

Better yet join an art class i.e drawing, painting, or pottery

14. Private Dance Class

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Dancing is one of the most romantic and fun activities couples can take up together.

How about taking your sneaky link for a private dance lesson

Be it salsa, ballroom, or freestyle dancing, when you learn and move together in tune, it creates a connection between the two of you, making the outside world dim away.

15. Private Karaoke concert at Home

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You can choose to set up a stage at home and perform songs you like in turns and together.

Better yet you can individually attend a karaoke event, sit separately, and enjoy the mystery of a secret well kept.

After all, how can we end the sneaky link date ideas list without a planned, but random encounter?

At the karaoke bar sing your partner’s favorite song and as they watch you, from the audience the communication is passed and well received.

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