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Navigating The Terrible Twos: 15 Hacks for Surviving the Toddler Stage

the terrible twos

Picture this: a relentless toddler, pout on their face, hands dipped in a margarine jar, you take that from them, and in 5 seconds the hand is pulling on a jug of water.

5 minutes later you hear a fall then a cry, they have just fallen from the couch’s armchair.

This scene is quite familiar to most parents.

The terrible twos as they are affectionately referred to are a unique stage that will have you questioning your sanity and swearing to never have more kids.

But fear not! This post may just be what you need, we aim to offer 15 survival hacks for the toddler stage.

Join us as we navigate toddler parenting from the cute hugs and convos that instantly turn to epic battles and miniature rebellions.

These hacks are a guide to navigating the terrible twos with grace and humor.

Ensuring you enjoy these moments because the years will pass by so fast that you’ll miss these days of torment with fondness.

1. Learn to be Patient

the terrible twos

In the chaotic world of the terrible two, patience is going to be a virtue and your lifeline.

Imagine being on the spot, having to negotiate with an unruly toddler and you can’t keep calm, how would that conversation take part?

Toddlers are on a self-discovery journey and even for the most composed parent, they can be a handful, patience is a survival strategy.

It is about walking into a room, finding a mess, and opting to just take a deep breath and clean up rather than stress out, scream, and overreact.

Patience is the ingredient that turns chaos into calm. It is going to come in handy, learn it.

Related: 15 Conscious Discipline Techniques Every Parent Should Know

2. Maintain a Routine

the terrible twos

Envision this, your toddler waking up going to their table for breakfast, or before bedtime, they use the potty and then walk themselves to bed.

It’s always easier to handle a toddler when they become accustomed to a certain structure.

Sometimes the magic is in the most mundane activities.

Establish a daily routine that will keep your toddler calm and secure.

It will eventually get to a point where your child can get things done by themselves since they know what is expected. This is the easiest way to reduce tantrums.

3. Set Clear Boundaries

An unruly toddler left to overstep boundaries is a menace, you are about to witness a whirlwind of the activities of the terrible twos.

A toddler is simply trying to figure out the world around them, clear and stern boundaries are the easiest way to define the line between right and wrong.

Think of boundaries as a roadmap, they offer a framework for positive behavior and a guide through the path of curiosity.

Nonetheless, when dealing with a toddler, there is a need to provide an environment for mutual respect; that is exactly what clear boundaries are for.

4. Create distraction techniques

Envision your toddler in the middle of a meltdown, crying and screaming because they don’t get to play outside, you turn on the TV to their favorite show and suddenly they are smiling.

Toddlers are cunning, and most of their activities will warrant your attention. 

Take tantrums for example, this is the main reaction when things do not go their way.

Distraction techniques are one parenting hack that will turn meltdowns into fun escapades.

Find activities that shift toddlers’ attention fast and use them as a valuable tool to calm heated situations.

5. Turn tasks into games

the terrible twos

One thing we can all agree on is that toddlers will never pass up any opportunity to play and have fun.

The most effective strategy is to harness all that energy and turn routines into engaging adventures.

Make cleaning up after themselves, a fun game, that way they’ll enjoy it rather than opt-out.

You can make foodtime a fun exploration of colors and flavors or bedtime a time to peekaboo.

With the terrible twos, mundane tasks can be overwhelming but by making them enjoyable, the shared moments become delightful.

6. Minimize Restrictions

Amid the terrible twos, you can understand that restrictions will drive both the parent and child to the edge. 

You’ll keep running and shouting after them, while they keep testing your boundaries.

The plan is to ensure maximum safety and install child safety systems, alarms, safety guards etcetera. Then leave them to run around and explore.

This fosters their sense of discovery and allows them to have fun and you can have some peace.

Interestingly at the end of the day, they’ll be quite tired, bedtime might be way easier to navigate.

7. Offer them Choices

Your toddler will thrive in control, it is time to start offering them options to make them feel heard and in control.

Make it as simple as: do you want the white or red plate? Or do you want this or that shoe?

These small actions reduce the parent-child power struggles.

They also nurture the toddler’s decision-making skills and make the terrible twos a bit easier to navigate with cooperation.

8. Eliminate hunger, Embrace Snacking

the terrible twos

The statement, that a hungry toddler is an angry human is an understatement.

A hungry toddler will torment you with an endless cry and an even more profound series of tantrums.

These little humans need to be kept full and happy or rather full and sleepy.

The terrible twos require a lot of energy, so the snacks come in handy as a source of fuel.

This is a simple yet amazing hack that will keep you safe from meltdowns. Better yet, introduce them to tasty and healthy snacks that can also serve as distractions.

9. Positive Reinforcement.

the terrible twos

Though handful, the terrible twos are the most interesting part of parenting.

Your child is learning all these new things and some of their actions will catch you off guard and awe you.

When your toddler does something worth celebrating do not hold back.

Shower them with praises. Those claps will have them beaming with accomplishment.

Positive reinforcements are also a source of motivation for them to push boundaries and they define between what’s right and what Is wrong.

10. Stay Consistent

Toddlers learn more effectively through patterns.

If you potty train your child today and not do it tomorrow, they will entirely forget how to do it.

Whether it is in maintaining clear boundaries or keeping up with a routine, always make sure you are consistent enough to make it a norm.

This unwavering approach will minimize confusion and foster a sense of security.

This is one parenting hack that will entirely get rid of any potential resistance.

11. Be a role model

By now you should have noticed that your child is mirroring whatever action you do.

They’ll want to eat like you, they move like you, and even their hand movements will echo you.

They are so curious that any action you perform they’ll try it out.

Be careful about how you interact in front of your child, and the content you consume.

I once saw my toddler watch a kissing scene and try it, and oh boy! The shock I had.

These are some of their defining moments so be the model of the actions you’d want them to mirror.

12. Encourage outdoor exploration

the terrible twos

Amid the curious nature of the terrible twos, including the exploration of the great outdoors is a transformative hack. 

This is a great opportunity to channel your toddlers’ energy and curiosity into a learning opportunity.

You can transform the backyard into a play area or visit the local park to provide a large playground for discovery.

The new sounds and textures are a great opportunity to explore and for the toddler to attain sensory stimulation.

13. Create an Emotional Connection

the terrible twos

We cannot emphasize the importance of emotional connections enough, especially in child development.

You can probably relate to days when your toddler will come and snuggle by your side, or that sweet smile when you come from work and they just want you to pick them up.

Whether it’s a joyous smile, an excited chuckle, or a frustrated cry, acknowledging these evolving emotions is a way to create a safe space for expression.

By validating these emotions a bond of trust and security is created between parent and child.

14. Use visual charts

In this curious stage of the terrible twos, toddlers thrive in the clarity provided by visual cues.

Simple charts with symbols and images are a roadmap through daily routines and in preschool learning.

If you are having power struggle issues in getting your toddler to cooperate in daily activities, visual aids may just be the hack you need.

They are fun, and interesting and offer clarity on what is expected.

Whether it is in eating, potty training, or mundane daily tasks, do consider incorporating visual aids.

15. Talk to Your Child

the terrible twos

In the intricate period of the terrible twos, you might be amazed at how a simple conversation can transform how you relate with your child.

Toddlers crave attention, so consider engaging in meaningful conversations with them. Amid tantrums talk about why they are acting as they are, and discuss feelings and boundaries.

Conversations create a strong empathetic connection. It also helps them with their speech and mode of expression.

Final Thoughts

It is important to note that the terrible twos are a growth and development phase. 

They are a unique opportunity for parents to foster independence, and emotional connections, and quench that curiosity with adventurous learning experiences.

But also remember that it’s just a passing phase.

One that may be tasking at the moment but in the future, you’ll look back with great fondness and miss these moments.

So parents take in some deep breaths, enjoy the moment as it lasts, and calmly tackle a day at a time.

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